AASM Membership Sections Newsletter Issue #3
American Academy
of Sleep Medicine
related leg movements will be
proposed by the committee. As
it is well known, periodic limb
movements (PLM) represent
frequent polysomnographic
findings even outside of RLS
and their detection is a very
important standard procedure
in accredited sleep labs. While
the scoring criteria for PLM
underwent more than one
revision during the past years,
thanks to a new computerized
and analytic approach, the rules
concerning leg movements
associated with breathing events
have never been specifically
considered. The committee will
propose a task force to revise the
criteria for respiratory related
leg movements. The close of
the meeting will be dedicated
to discussing possible proposal
topics for the 2014 SLEEP
The meeting will be a great
opportunity to share ideas,
knowledge and information
on sleep related movement
disorders, we invite all members,
to join the event and participate
actively to the discussion.
Movement Disorders Section