AASM Membership Sections Newsletter Issue #3
American Academy
of Sleep Medicine
great strides in increasing sleep-
disorders awareness, there are
still many in the medical commu-
nity who remain unenlightened.
Unfortunately, unaccredited sleep
labs focusing only on apnea (and
not necessarily well) remain a
presence in many areas of the
country. As has been shown time
and again, a complete and thor-
ough sleep evaluation, potentially
including MSLT performed in
accordance with AASM Prac-
tice Parameters, will lead to the
answer when things don’t make
sense. Sleep medicine is more
than just sleep related breathing
disorders! A history of untreated
narcolepsy frequently leaves psy-
chological scars, and narcoleptics
are frequently already burdened
with concomitant psychiatric
disease. Complete and successful
management of the narcoleptic
patient necessitates long-term
follow-up care, and additional
treatment for medical and psy-
chiatric symptoms may be re-
quired. Despite maximal medical
therapy and careful long-term
management by experienced and
qualified somnologists, most
narcoleptics will not reach “nor-
malcy,” but they will be greatly
improved and should be capable
of living a full and rewarding life.
I would like to thank Dr.
John Hey, MD, FAASM, for his
contribution of this interest-
ing case study and insightful
How Long Does it Take for a
Severely Affected Narcoleptic to
Obtain an Accurate Diagnosis
and Management? continued